Personally, I think the group represents some of California's most exciting Pinot Noir and Chardonnay producers. 我个人认为这个组织代表了加州最令人惊喜的一些黑皮诺和霞多丽生产商。
I'm more towards pinot grigio than chardonnay, he said, perhaps forgetting that it is the Turning Leaf chardonnay that will sport a Basso& Brooke label. 我更喜欢灰比诺而不是霞多丽,他说,也许忘记了正是特宁·里弗霞多丽将要尝试巴索与布鲁克的包装。
Champagne: Sparkling wine Named for the site of its origin, the Champagne region of northeastern France, it is made from only three grapes: pinot and meunier ( both black) and chardonnay ( white). 香槟酒:一种高级的发泡葡萄酒,以其发源地(法国东北部香槟地区)命名。香槟只用三种葡萄为原料∶皮诺特和默尼尔黑葡萄、沙尔多内白葡萄。
During grape ripening, the content of these mono-phenols in red grape ( Pinot Noir and Merlot) was more than the content in white grape ( Chardonnay); 在葡萄成熟过程中,红葡萄(梅尔诺和黑比诺)中单体酚含量均高于白葡萄(霞多丽)。
Pinot Noir and Chardonnay from the best grand-and premier crus bring vinosity and delicacy together in a very harmoniously balanced blend. 最上等的黑皮诺和莎当妮为这个和谐的结合带来了精细的品质。
The rich fruit flavours of this Pinot Noir Chardonnay are complemented by a soft creamy complexity. 这款气泡酒带有新鲜的热带水果的香气如香蕉、菠萝的香味。并具有柔和的奶油味。